Russell IPM BD


+880 1785-540016

Fytoclean is a horticultural soap which works to clean the plant’s surface of dust and other particulates to maximise photosynthetic ability, providing plants with the energy to grow and produce fruit. Additionally, Fytoclean helps to control insect populations by causing cellular dehydration upon larval ingestion. The formulation also works to disrupt the cuticle of soft-bodied insects which eventually leads to death.

Benefits of Fytoclean:

  • Cleans the plant surface to refresh and revitalise.
  • Boosts plant photosynthetic ability.
  • No preharvest interval.
  • Biorational and safe insecticidal soap.
  • Biodegrades rapidly leaving no harmful residues on fresh produce.

Tried and Tested

Fytoclean has undergone a number of field trials to test its efficacy as a control product. Results demonstrated that application of Fytoclean significantly reduced pupal maturation and population numbers without harming beneficials. Additionally, Fytoclean was deemed safe for application at any time up to plant harvest and has no preharvest interval, providing crop protection throughout the life of the plant.
Fytoclean is not available in all countries. Always read the label and product information before use. Use all bio-products safely.

Get in touch, call us: +880 1785-540016